Is home job source a scam?

Product: Link posting scam


Owner: Kelly Simmons

Recommended? No

Home job source owned by Kelly Simmons is and elaborate link posting scam. She is also the author of other well know scams like the work at home program and the work at home institute.

I came across this home job source scam today when I google for work from home jobs. I clicked on a link where I was told a story about a certain Emily who makes about $87 an hour from home since she join the home job source program.

I was encouraged to click on the link titled home job source to join, so I did. I was surprised when I was taken to the work at home institute website.

I taught I had made a mistake so i clicked on the back button and went back to the original page. This time I made sure I was clicking on the right link and behold, it took me yet to a different website. This other website was the work from home program website.

Now, both websites looked exactly alike. They put a lot of effort to display the logos of popular TV chains like NBC, CNN, Fox new and ABC to make me feel they are legitimate.

But this time it didn’t work on me because I already know from experience that work at home program and work at home institute by Kelly Simmons are both scams.

So, if the home job source link is taking me to these two scam sites, then it too must be a scam. If you ask me, any online program owned by this Kelly Simmons person is a scam.

In the page that led me to these two scam sites, I was told how Emily only had to put down a few dollars to get a work kit she used to make good money from home in just hours.

Many will fall for this, after all what’s a few dollars. Well it starts with a few and before you know it, the up sells have accumulated to hundreds of dollars.

Some people realize early enough and request for a refund but never get one. Home job source has an F review on BBB. This is a big deal because the better business bureau is an independent organization that register legitimate businesses.

BBB has received multiple complaints from numerous people about home job source. They have tried to contact home job source but they never responded (big red flag).

After gathering these facts, I decided to write this review about home job source. This way, people who check out this program and come here to investigate can find out what it is actually all about.

How does the home job source scam work?

It is a link posting scam like the other two I mentioned. Owners of such a program, go to legitimate sites and spam them with their links in the hope that someone will click on them and be redirected to their scam site.

Now, what they need is the ability to post more links so they find people like you and me to do the job for them. So, you register and get this kit and are told what to do. You go around posting links for them. Then an unsuspecting person clicks on them, is taken to this scam site.

Some people, fall for the scam and the scam cycle starts all over again. This link posting scam is very popular and these scammers make a lot of money.

They put some of this money into ads. So when you google work from home jobs, the first few links that pop up are these scams.

If you are here today because you want to learn how to make money online legitimately, you are at the right place. But if you fall in the category of I want to make money now and I don’t care who gets hurts, then maybe home job source is the place for you.

Are there alternatives to the home job source scam?

Yes there are many alternatives to link posting. The most popular alternative online is called affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing

This is the type of marketing where you as an affiliate refer products by writing product reviews. When people visit your website and click on these product links and buy them, you make money in the form of commission.

You can check out my sport stroller website to see what I mean. While there, you will see that I have written several product reviews on a variety of strollers and other baby products.

I get many visitors to my site who end up buying one of those products and I get paid.

Another great way to make money online is via Esty.


Esty is a platform where people can sell their art and craft. Maybe you have this amazing way with building things that people need but you don’t have a big market for your products.

You can register with esty for free and open an online store where you can display and sell your products.

This is also possible on Amazon and Ebay.

Another way to make money online is to tutor.


You can make money tutoring online. You will need a website to do this. On your website, you can make tutorials on a variety of subjects you are really good at. You will be surprised how many people turn online for help on a subject, especially in the sciences.

What if I really want to learn how to be successful online?

There are many online websites that offer a wide variety of lessons for beginners in online marketing for free. One of these website is known as wealthy affiliate.

They have an unlimited trial period. I like this because you are given unlimited time to try their program before making up your mind to upgrade. Sometimes you might be reminded about the importance of upgrading but you are under no pressure to.

You may not have access to all the tools available to the premium members but you will have enough to start up with. If you are interested in building your first website for free, fill in the box above.

Go, to wealthy affiliate and try their program for free and if you don’t like it leave, no questions asked.

I hope this review was helpful.

Cheers Denise.


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