A site with great content attracts more traffic and thus better business. So, how do I write captivating contents? This is a question every newbie blogger have to ask themselves.
There are many things you need to consider when you are writing. First of all, you have to write in your own voice and write as though you were having a conversation with your audience. In other words, be original.
Before you start writing, you need to find your happy place because your mood can be reflected in your writing.
For me, I use many different techniques to reach my happy place. In the morning for example, I do some exercises to get blood pulse through veins into my brain. This wakes me up and the blood provides much needed oxygen to my brain.
Once in your happy place, writing is second nature.
Write original content

So many people for lack of time or initiative write poor content that is filled with copy and paste material. This is the worst thing to do online because first it is unethical and second you could be punished by google.
Google hates duplicate content; google rewards sites with high quality content by ranking them better that sites with poor quality content.
When blogging, quality is better than quantity. I know the idea with quantity is to put as many of your content out there as possible so as to increase the chances that people will interact with it. But what good will it do you if all the people that read your content think it is poor.
When people read a captivating content, they are motivated to snoop around for more articles to feed their minds. As they stay on your site, this leads to low bounce rate which is interpreted by google as good and thus lead to better ranking.
So, use your unique style to write, write until you have exhausted what you want to say, write in everyday language (don’t make it overly academic) and then read it to make sure there are no grammatical errors and publish it.
Don’t try to make it perfect because there is no such thing as a perfect content; there are just high quality and poor quality contents.
Do your research and make plans

No one knows everything so it is important to do your research before writing your content. As time changes, so do facts. Don’t write something with wrong facts because this can discredit you and lead to lack of trust from your readers.
As you browse the web, bookmark interesting pages for later reference. Read from high ranking pages with similar topics to see what they did right.
Before writing this post, I did some research on ‘how to write a great content’ and read from the top pages displayed by google for ideas.

After reading from the first four pages, I jotted down some ideas and made plans on how to write my content. Before my research, I had some ideas but they were not enough. After my research, I came up with more ideas for my content.
Make your topic captivating and specific
As people browse the net, they brush through many topics before choosing one to read. They usually stop at the one that has a captivating topic.

News net works have mastered the skill of captivating headlines. When you watch the evening news for example, they start by listing interesting headlines that get you to watch the whole news. Usually, they leave the most interesting for last.
You can apply this technique to your content. You can start with a very captivating topic that piques the interest of the reader. It also helps to make your topic specific so that you can target a certain group of people who are sure to react to it.
Now, if you write a post about financial independence (too broad and general), and another blogger writes about financial independence for fresh college graduates(narrow and more specific), who do you think a college graduate will pick? The second post of course, it pays to be specific and have eye catching topics.
Many people like adjectives like free, cheap, affordable, top quality…., so use them appropriately to get attention.
Provide answers
Make sure your content addressee the topic properly. It will be disappointing if someone visited your site for a topic that reads ‘how to build a website for free’ only to find a content that addresses the topic partially or doesn’t address the topic at all.
It is typical for scam sites to drive traffic to their sites by using captivating topics they never address. So, don’t do the same thing because it will lead to lack of trust from your readers. Plus, people will not be motivated to stay and read other pages on your site.
I have had such experiences and it is very annoying. People go online for a reason, some only have so much time to search, so don’t waste their time. Sites that have high bounce rates are usually filled with contents that do not address the topics they claim to address.
A high bounce rate will almost always affect the ranking of your site negatively.
Enrich your content with images and videos when possible
Humans by nature are visual beings; images and videos catch their attention better and hold it longer than text.
Content of high value has a good balance between text and relevant images. Do not use images that are not relevant to your topic. Keep it clean, don’t over crowd your page with images.
Write in short paragraphs and leave breaks/blanc spaces between paragraphs. This gives the reader the opportunity to pause and rest their eyes; many people are turned off by academic style writing.
Highlight important lines to draw the attention of the reader. Vary your writing technique by changing from paragraph to say bullets, quotes, block writing and more, to keep your reader engaged.
Get to the point
Avoid repetition and unnecessary extension of your content just to make the word count larger.
Many people are told when they star blogging that google rewards contents with 1000+ words. This information though true make many people write long contents that are not engaging, especially when they say the same thing over and over again.
Google uses a complex algorithm to rank pages; it is hard to tell what exactly makes a page rank better. I have come across pages that are only about 500 words long, ranking in the first page on google search.
Update your content regularly
Update your content regularly, especially when they have facts in them that are bound to change with time. More so, if your content is written to teach a course, then you should update it as trends evolve.
For example, if you are writing about ways to rank high on google, you need to constantly update your content to keep up with the changes that google makes.
I hope this post was helpful. What do you think? Did I cover all my bases? If not, leave a comment with more ideas for writing a good content.
Cheers Denise.
Hi, Denise! Is a good writing about quality content.
Yes, i found that quality content is an effective way, better than viral content in the end.
If we can use both contents wisely, we can make attract more valuable traffic and triggered traffic faster than build just quality content. We’ve to try several ways to make a flexible blog. Even we can sell our own sites if we found stuck on contents we built… isn’t bad at all.
But for a long journey, still better create quality content rather viral or mixed content.
Thank you for sharing your though on these post, Denise.
You are right Martinus,
To succeed online, one needs to employ a variety of techniques; Content, keyword research, lead generation and much more.
However, content is still king. That’s how we tell and show the world our products/services. It is true that being able to release multiple content in the market will increase traffic to a site but it might be traffic that doesn’t stay if you don’t offer good content.
Quality over quantity…. too right! I just took a look at a terrible site which has only been running for around 2 weeks but has probably 50 posts of awful content – probably 100 – 300 words per post, and just a quick intro and link to an affiliate site. No details, no review, nothing of value from what I could have found by going directly to the affiliate site myself. Very frustrating that these sites exist!
Hi Caroline,
I hope the new google update clean up such sites from the internet. We are all looking to make money online but we should at least help people genuinely before trying to sell to them. Quality content is very important and helps people find what they are looking for.
I really love your website Denise.I am particularly interested in the Content writing as I am very new in the field.You are very direct to the point with honest information and I will love to visit your site for more direction.
Wishing you all the best.
Thanks Bernicia for the encouraging words. Congratulations on starting your own business. It is not easy, you have to work hard to succeed. If you ever need a pep talk or have any questions for me, write me at tatihdenise@financialindependentpeople.com
Love this post Denise 🙂
And you’re right – content is king! But what I loved most about it, is the part when you talk about using “your own voice”. I see a lot of people online, who sound the exact same.
Which leads to my next point, creating unique content. I just wish I read this post before I just started randomly writing lol And I struggled trying not to sound to “academic” as you’d say 🙂
Thanks for sharing this Denise – You’re Awesome!
Hi Rod,
I’m happy to help. You’ll learn a lot along the way. It was not always easy for me. When you finally start writing as though you were having a conversation with a friend, that’s when you really start enjoying it.
Really a very wonderful and useful article
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