Program: total income answer
Owner: Karen Evans
Price: $97 or lower
I have noticed lately that the Karen Evans total income answer program have been doing a lot of ads online so I got curious and decided to do a review on it.
What I notice when I first got to the website was a video explaining how a mum of twins had to start working from home in order to meet up with certain demands of her life.
I also noticed that they claimed to have been featured on FOX new, MSNBC, USA Today, CNN and ABC. I decided to make a stop at the website of these major TV chains to see if this was true and soon found out it was not. I couldn’t find any mention of this program on any of these networks.
Alarm bells went off in my head and I wondered, why will anyone put so much effort to display the logo of major news networks and even go to the point of lying that they have been featured on them?
The answer to that question is quite simple. When people see the logos, they feel this business is legitimate so they let their guards down.
Reading farther down in the home page, I learned about the story of this young woman named Karen Evans, who got fired from her fulltime job. She claimed that she started this program as a result of that and has been very successful since then.
This kind of story is very appealing to many Americans; it is the typical American dream story so I can see why they used it. But before you take out your credit card and pay for this scam, I want you to know that this exact story has been repeated on several other scam sites too.
Below is a picture of the same story as it was displayed on Kelly Simmon’s secure job position website (compare the story with the one in the image above from total income answer).
If you look closely, you will notice that the line about making $379 a day and more is the same all the way down. The only difference is that the name Kelly Simmons has been replaced with Karen Evans on the total income answer website as shown in the image above . They also have changed the pictures of the women of course.
If you are not convinced that this program is a scam, allow me to continue. The use of emotional appeal is not their only persuasion tool. They also use urgency to make you commit without thinking.
Urgency is used when they mention that there are only 15 people accepted in to the program from each city. Then as you get ready to leave, a pop up informs you to stay and get a discount. Then a timer starts!
As I read farther down the page, I learned that all this program actually promise to teach is called link posting. Link posting the way she explains it is wrong. It is true that many companies will pay you to refer people to their website through a variety of methods including posting links.
However, no legitimate company will let you do that if you are not a legitimate owner of your own website. Yes, Amazon for example will grant you access to their affiliate program so you can post product links on your website. They will only do this after they have checked and verified your website.
If you want to learn about affiliate marketing, read my post titled, What is affiliate marketing and how does it work? If you will like to build a website for free, click on the link below,
Bottom line
I don’t think total income answer is a legitimate program. It fails to give a free trial membership like most legitimate work from home programs like wealthy affiliate do today. Without this free membership, there is no way to test drive the program before committing.
It share certain qualities with popular scams like the secure job position and the wah program. They make false claims like “companies will pay you to post links for say $15 a link”. No way, what happens is you build a website, work hard then apply to these companies to join their affiliate programs.
If they approve, you get the permission to post their links. You don’t get paid till you make a sale. What you get paid is a fraction of the sales you make and this whole process is called affiliate marketing. Unlike link posting as proposed by the scammers which is a frowned upon habit used by these scammers to spam legitimate websites.
If you really want to learn how to make money from home and be your own boss, try wealthy affiliate’s free starter membership.
Test drive for as long as you want and if you like it, you can then upgrade to premium for $49 a month.
I hope this review was helpful to you!
Cheers Denise.