Home jobs now reviews

Product: Home jobs now (education).

Website: securejobposition.com, homejobsnow.com

Price: $97 one time payment and $28 recurring.

Recommended? No

This morning out of curiosity, I decided to Google the key word ‘work from home jobs’. As expected, at the very top was the ad ‘top three work at home jobs’.

I knew what I was going to see if I clicked on the link ; a list of three work from home businesses.

I was just curious as to which ones where listed today. I have been to this page countless times. Every time the list seems to change but when I clicked on two of the websites listed today, I noticed that they were one and the same.

I clicked at the ‘home jobs now’ link (called ‘online jobs now’ on some occasions) but it turned out the link rerouted to secure job position website.

Now, mind you that secure job position was listed as a separate business. So, why will someone claim one thing is two different things (red flag).

I continued on to the website and immediately noticed that the page looked exactly as the page of ‘make me wealthy’ by Rory Ricord.

I thought I had this all figured out when I did a review of secure job position. I even gave myself a pad on the back but I was mistaken.

I stated that ‘secure job position’ was owned by a certain Kelly Simmons. I knew the name was an alias but it wasn’t until today that I realized that Kelly Simmons is an alias for Rory Ricord which could be an alias too.

So now secure job position, work at home program, work at home institute, make me wealthy, home jobs now, online jobs now are all owned by the same person or group of people and they are all scams.

What does this scam promises to teach?

The answer quit simply is link posting. This is a practice where you spam legitimate sites by posting numerous links, usually of questionable composition.

Most of these people make the link look like they were posted by legitimate sites like ABC, Forbes, NBC, CNN and the like.

When you click on these links, you are taken to a page where you are told a success story so good you can’t resist. They know you might be desperate to make money online. So, they make you feel like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and positions are limited.

This is all B.s. if you ask me. Why, because if you come back tomorrow, it will be exactly the same story.

Seeing how there are so many scams online, I have adopted the policy of no commitment without test drive. Yes, if your program does not give me a free trial where I can get a feel for what it is all about, I am out!

Many online marketing education programs offer these free trials. Some even have unlimited free trial periods. One of such programs is wealthy affiliate. You can use your free membership with them to build up to two free websites and start your business.

When you feel like upgrading, you can switch to the premium membership but if after a while you don’t think you like it, you can leave no questions asked.

Rory says his program is so good that he will give back your money if you don’t make any money within two months. He says however that you must follow his lessons to the tee for it to work. I can see how he will refuse to refund your money. All he has to do is say it’s your fault not his because you didn’t follow the lessons perfectly.

Well, I say if he is so confident about the quality of his lessons, he should make the two months a free trial period.

Things to note about online marketing

  • Your success depends on how hard and smart you work.
  • Success will not happen overnight
  • No one person knows it all so you need to work in collaboration with a community of entrepreneurs (you will find this at Wealthy Affiliate).
  • If anyone tells you, you have to do exactly as I say or you won’t succeed, leave because it’s a lie. There are many routes to your destination.

If you will like to learn more about starting an online business, read my post titled getting started.

Also read the reviews work at home program scam, secure job position and other post on this site to inform yourself about a few of the scams out there.

I hope this post was helpful. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Cheers Denise.

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