What is the best way to make money online in 2019?

There are many ways to make money online but the best way to make money online in 2019 is affiliate marketing.  Affiliate marketing is a kind of online business where you refer people to buy someone’s products or services and get paid a fraction of the sales as commission. Let’e say for example that you found a good affiliate marketing training course online. You join it an learn how to…

The online automation work at home system review; legit or scam?

The online automation work at home system is advertised as the 3rd best way to make money online in 2018 by topjobsreviewed.com.  Topjobsreviewed.com is known for posting reviews of three top work at homes jobs periodically. It has occurred to me that most, if not all, most of the jobs posted are fast money schemes.   These jobs usually share similar features and the online automation system is not an…

Best Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Unless you can afford to waste time and learn by trial and error, it is best to join a reputable affiliate marketing training course that will guide you through the top affiliate marketing techniques, before you will be ready to do it on your own.   Making money online is not magic. It takes careful planning and implementation to execute the techniques that lead to a successful affiliate marketing business. As you…

Nick Peroni’s online profit system scam review

Nick Peroni’s online profit system is advertised online as a proven method to make money online. In the sales video, he explains how it is now possible for people to make a full time income online. He goes further to explain that at the moment, people are quietly making fortunes online with just their computers.   He states that 95% of people who try to make money online fail for…

Wah program reviews; legit or scam?

There have been so many Wah programs online through the years. All these programs are versions of each other. In this review of Wah program,  I will list several of them as was advertised online and give you an overall description of this program.   Some know it as the wha program,  others as wah edu or WAHP. It’s all the same thing.  PS. since I wrote this review, many more…

Wealthy affiliate for black Friday 2019

Black Friday 2019 is fast approaching and Wealthy Affiliate is in on it too. This year, you will get almost 50% off your premium membership as usual, if you upgrade to or join the premium yearly membership during the black Friday period. They also offer discount for their semi-annual membership too.   What do you get in the premium membership at wealthy affiliate?   Up to 25 domains hosted for…