Is Wealthy affiliate legit or scam? My Review
I have been a member at Wealthy Affiliate for about 6 years. I believe I know quite well wealthy affiliate works and whether it is legit or scam.
It is a training platform aimed at teaching members all about affiliate marketing and other online marketing techniques. Wealthy Affiliate is legit and has been around for 16+ years. They offer both structured and unstructured training.
I have had an overall good experience with wealthy affiliate. I would like to explain what exactly you can get if you join Wealthy Affiliate.
Before we proceed, I will like to explain affiliate marketing briefly as this is what you will be trained to do.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
In order to understand what Wealthy Affiliate is all about and how it works, you must first understand what affiliate marketing is and what it means to be an affiliate. For those of you who are newbies, this is something that you have to read very carefully and understand thoroughly.
An Affiliate is basically a person who is associated with a business (for example Amazon) through their Affiliate program. The goal of an affiliate is to refer clients to this business (Amazon) in order to make money. By referring customers to the business, the Affiliate receives a commission for purchases made by these clients.
Commissions vary depending on the product and the company but it usually range from 2.5% to 50% (or more) of the sale amount. For example, if I am a member of an Affiliate program and they pay me a commission of about 10% for each product that customers buy as a result of my referral; I could make $100 if I referral 10 people.
If this referral is recurrent, I will make $100 dollars every month (sometimes quarterly or yearly if the membership is renewed at these times) for 10 referrals
This is exactly what Wealthy Affiliate will teach you to do. You will learn how to promote a variety of products and services. To do this, they will teach you how to build a website from where you will carry out your referrals.
Click here to start your free membership at wealthy affiliate today.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wealthy Affiliate
There is nothing perfect in life, and although my experience with Wealthy Affiliate has been mostly positive, there are some aspects of the program that may deter new members from joining or cause current members to leave the platform.
In my opinion, the advantages of this platform far out-weighs the disadvantages. I will try to explain in detail both the positive and the negative aspects to give you a clear idea of what it means to be a member of this platform.
Advantages of wealthy affiliate;
- It is free to join and the free membership is unlimited.
- The community is amiable, and there is always someone willing to help you in the live chat.
- The support team provides a quick response to any technical problem you may have.
- The training is detailed (though some of the content maybe outdated)
- The training is mostly step by step to ensure that you do not miss any steps as you go.
- Creating a website within the platform is really simple. You can build your website in a few minute with just few clicks!
- There are hundreds of courses at your disposal where you can learn anything related to online marketing and Affiliate programs.
- There are only 3 membership options; starter, premium and premium plus with no Upsells.
- The owners really care and ensure good functioning of the platform and take time to talk with members as needed.
- They make it easy to ask questions and get answers on this platform
Disadvantages of wealthy affiliate;
- It has many characteristics of a social network, and just as it happens in the others that exist out there, it is easy to get distracted and waste a lot of time.
- Since anyone can give answers to questions on the platform, there is the possibility of running into members (although they are the least) who do not give good advice.
- To earn money consistently, you have to look at the long term. It took me about six months to start earning a considerable amount of money.
- In some instances, it may take days to get the answer to your questions.
- The posts of some members have nothing to do with the idea of the platform.
- Although it is possible to earn some money with the free initial account, it is hard. If you want to do something serious you need to access the “Premium” accounts.
Click here to start your free membership today.
Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?
Now that I know the platform well and have used it for a while, it seems very easy to manage. The truth is that I think it happens with most websites, and for example, I remember the first time I opened an account on Facebook … I almost went crazy with it!
It took me about a week to understand the functioning of the Wealthy Affiliate website. In my first month, I earned nothing, which obviously is not enough to live on. But after following the courses or lessons for several months, I now earn enough to live in comfort. All thanks to what the premium account can offer through its training courses and other tools.
It takes some time to become an affiliate marketing specialist. If you’re looking for quick money, then this is not your business. It is not possible to enrich yourself overnight with this type of program.
If what you are looking for is a way to use your skills to create a business, you should take a look at the Wealthy Affiliate website.
The people are very friendly and are always willing to help you with any questions or problems you have. If you want to earn money promoting a product that you like, Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to do it through simple and detailed training courses and with a community that will always be ready to help you.
If you want to make a change in your life, if you want to start a new business on the internet, I think it’s the platform you need.
If you spend most of the day working and you do not have enough time to devote to the important things in life, then Wealthy Affiliate is what you need. I know it may seem strange and perhaps even deceitful, but I promise it is true.
Passive Income with wealthy affiliate
You must have heard of this word before; if you haven’t let me elaborate. Passive income is money you get while you are sleeping or doing other things. So it means, you are not actively doing anything to get the money. This is the kind of income you will learn to make when you join Wealthy Affiliate.
It takes some time and effort to get going, yes. But if you dedicate the necessary time to follow the training courses and put them into practice, in the end, you can dedicate yourself to what you really want, you can live from it, and you will have more free time to dedicate to the important things in life.
That is exactly what I have achieved. At this moment my blogs give me money month to month almost automatically, which means that I have a lot of free time every day to dedicate to other things.
Creating your website allows you to have a “passive” source of income (you do not need to spend all day) and believe me, that’s the best way to earn money.
When I started with my website, I was working 50+ hours a week in a laboratory and had previously worked as a nursing aid in a long term care facility, making $8.50 an hour.
I went to school part time so I could get a better certificate and thus a better job…. But on weekends, instead of partying with my friends, I dedicated myself to creating my own business on the internet with the help of Wealthy Affiliate, and I can Assure you that it was worth 100%.
How are the training courses at Wealthy Affiliate ?
In the courses offered by Wealthy Affiliate, you will not see lessons that are super technical or difficult to understand. Kyle, one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, is the one who personally explains many the lessons.
As a premium member, you will have access to the following :
- 50 certification core lessons
- 70 bootcamp core lessons
- 52+ expert classes a year
- 1000+ additional training modules
- Intermediate website and hosting packaged valued at $100/month
- 25+ premium websites
- free SSL and enhanced security
- Daily backup for your website
- 24/7 management and site support
- google page speed optimized and extreme catching
- access to a personal blog and profile
- jaaxy lite (valued at $19/month)
- Unlimited keyword search and manual competition analysis
The “Affiliate Bootcamp” training is the right training for those who do not know exactly what they could dedicate their internet business to and therefore decide to create a web page to promote the Wealthy Affiliate platform itself.
The affiliate “Affiliate Bootcamp” program is very lucrative, and the training it provides teaches step by step what the best ways are to promote Wealthy Affiliate.
These training programs are full of contents of great educational value. You will start by filling in the necessary data to open your initial account, and in the end, you can create your web page to implement the techniques learned and start earning money online.
I have not known any better website when it comes to creating web pages to make money, and I’ve tried a lot of different things.
I have tried to create ads with Craigslist, enter Facebook groups to try to direct clients to web pages selling products, fill out surveys, the Simple Money System, ecommerce and a few other things.
I’ve tried a lot of things that do not work, and that’s why I can tell you with certainty that Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best ways to create a business on the internet. They have the best platform to create a website and start earning money with it, without any doubt.
In each lesson, Kyle explains step by step what to do through videos and text. At the end of each lesson, there is a list of things you should have done or understood, to make sure you do not forget anything important. You can also get in touch with other people who are in the same learning phase to discuss your doubts and share your impressions.
It is also a type of training that allows you to advance at your own pace. Kyle and Carson put at our disposal a lot of valuable information to create our online business. The best of all is that you can apply and put into practice what you are learning, almost immediately.
In fact, you can even start earning money before finishing training courses. This is something you cannot do at any university! For me, the best way to learn is to apply on your own newly created website what Kyle teaches in each lesson.
In this way, when I was watching a video in which Kyle taught us to do something, I stopped the video and immediately did it on my web page as he had explained it. Then I kept watching the training video, and so on until I finished.
How is the help at Wealthy Affiliate ?
The help provided by any platform or training website is one of the most important things because, without adequate help, many people end up leaving as the difficulties and logical obstacles of any learning process arise.
But why?
Because having an excellent support service helps you achieve your goals faster and more effectively. Because having a good support service and an online community, enables you to convert a good training platform into an excellent platform.
How correctly does the support service work?
The websites of Wealthy Affiliate are created through the WordPress program and are managed through a website called SiteRubix.
Within SiteRubix you have the Manager, a page creator, an area where you can receive comments about your most recent posts, an area where you receive general comments about your page and also a support area.
If you click on “Site Support” within SiteRubix, you can send a request for help that will normally be answered quickly by the Wealthy Affiliate support team. This “Site Support” button is really designed for technical inquiries. For example, if your page is “blocked” or if you have problems with its operation, “Site Support” is the place you should go.
But to raise other types of problems or issues such as, how can you do something specifically in WordPress, what are the best Affiliation programs, how to give a better structure to our website, or anything else, you can address to the community and ask for help there.
There are two ways to do it. You can go directly to the Live Chat area to contact someone who is currently connected and can help you or you can send a specific question explaining the problem you have.
The two forms are perfectly valid, and you will always receive some response from the community. This is something that does not exist in most internet educational platforms.
Cost of Wealthy Affiliate
There are three ways to become a member of Wealthy Affiliate; Starter membership, premium and premium plus membership.
The Starter membership is free. You can create a website absolutely free with this level of membership. With the starter membership is a 7 day complete access trial period.
There are two premium memberships. The first Premium membership has a cost of $ 49 per month or $ 359 per year. If you decide to open a premium account, you will also need to buy a domain to create your website and own the rights, but that is very cheap, it costs around $ 13 a year.
The premium plus membership cost $82.92/month.
Take a look at the lower comparison chart so that you have a clear idea of the differences between the Starter membership (free) and the Premium member ($49/month).
As you can see, the Premium account has some significant advantages for those who are fitted to commence an online business. Not only do you get full access to everything that is offered on the platform, but you also get access to the community, which in my case was necessary to accomplish success with my website.
As a Starter member, you have access to an “Online Entrepreneurship Certification” training course and an “Affiliate Bootcamp” training course. Premium members have access to all courses of both formations.
Each course consists of 10 lessons, so a Starter member has access to 20 lessons and a Premium member has access to more than 100 lessons.
These lessons are very valuable and either you are a real novice when it comes to online business, or you already have some experience… You will surely learn something new with those courses. I guarantee you.
I have had a Premium account for about 6 years now, and the money I have paid is more than justified. Each dollar that I have invested has multiplied, and if it had not been for the training and help of the online community that I received in Wealthy Affiliate, I am sure that today I would not be where I am.
Income potential at Wealthy Affiliate
As with anything else I can recommend on this website, I want to share with you the economic benefits that I have been able to generate with Wealthy Affiliate. I would never recommend any platform or web of this type until I make money with it myself.
I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for about 6 years now because with their help I have been able to create a website that has allowed me to obtain financial income that is worthwhile. If it had not been like that, I would not have stayed on the platform that long.
I have made money online before with other platforms, but nothing is even comparable to what I have made with Wealthy Affiliate.
I am currently earning enough money with my websites. But I do not have a fixed or constant income every month. In the business world, the income you get can vary and much from one month to the next. Businesses are like that.
After working for more than 2 years on my website, I am currently earning enough to live comfortably in affiliate program commissions.
I do not say this to brag or anything like that; I just want to let you know that Wealthy Affiliate really works well. Creating your website is undoubtedly the best way to earn money online, and Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to do it in the best possible way.
Final Verdict
So, what is my final opinion on Wealthy Affiliate? The best thing is that you open a Starter account and check it out for yourself. You have absolutely nothing to lose, since opening the account and connecting with the other users of the platform is totally free. Therefore, why don’t you go in and have a test?
You will understand much better what it is if you see it with your own eyes and experience it for yourself. Creating and seeing how your web pages develop and grow is very fun, especially if they deal with topics related to your hobbies or your passions.
Believe me; you will not regret opening a Starter account (free) and taking a look to see what it is. Wealthy affiliate is a not a scam as suggested online by competitors. It is a legit affiliate marketing training program.
To create your free account with wealthy affiliate today, click here.
As a wealthy affiliate premium member, I think of the best online program I have ever got involved with is WA. Apart from making some cool cash, learn new things and also build your own website. This is not to talk of the possibility of having a steady stream of income at a stage in the program. It is not perfect, no program is. I do however believe that the benefits outweigh the cons.
The benefits definitely outweigh the cons. I think one of the biggest cons that makes some think that wealthy affiliate is a scam is the hype surrounding the program.
Many who promote wealthy affiliate, give people the impression that it is a quick money scheme. This is far from the truth. This is a legitimate platform that teaches you how to make money online using affiliate marketing and other marketing strategies.
Now, like any business process, it takes time. You can’t expect to make money today or tomorrow. It took me four solid months of hard work to start making money consistently.
People need to realize that wealthy affiliate is not a job. It’s nothing like that because you are not an employee. When you join wealthy affiliate, you are a student /entrepreneur. You learn then you apply what you learn to build your business.
This program is meant for those looking for a business opportunity.
Denise, your review on Wealthy Affiliate is spot on and I have enjoyed the read very much.
I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over 4 years and when I started by using the free membership, at first, I was so gree about online/affiliate marketing since I didn’t have any sort of previous knowledge.
The only desire which brought me to this platform was the fact that I wanted something I can do from home since I am the sole caregiver to my ailing husband.
I also was burnt before in my search with scam websites, nevertheless, I was determined there must be something better and “real” out there.
Fast forward, I am running two successful websites and I enjoying the success I have with it. Of course, in the beginning, it was hard and it took quite some time to get there where I am now, but as you said in your article you need to stick with it and do your due diligence.
Wealthy Affiliate is providing all the tools necessary but the individual has to do its own work as well.
Thank you for reminding me how I started at Wealthy Affiliate it is sometimes important to look back so you can say I am still on the right path.
Thank you for sharing, appreciated
Hi Sylvia,
I agree. It is a good feeling when you look back and note that you took the right track. Especially nowadays when there are more scams online than there are legit programs.
I always tell people what you reiterate in your comment. “Do your due diligence”. The tools people need are all provided at Wealthy Affiliate.
As the saying goes “nothing good comes easy”
Thanks for sharing this information .. I have read through many posts that talked about ‘wealthy affiliate. Its indeed a cool platform where both poster and commenter benefit, It’s win-win designed where members help themselves to be successful. Another interesting side of the platform is that it has free training videos and resources for the benefit and development of the members. Thanks for this review .
Yes Wealthy Affiliate is definitely a win win as you can learn for free till you are ready to go premium. The premium fee is relatively low if you take into account that you can host more than 25 websites for free with it. For people who do niche marketing, this is great as they usually build several niche websites and then sell them later for profit.
Something I like to emphasize to readers it that, Wealthy Affiliate is not a job. It is a business opportunity. So if you are not ready to be the boss an make those vital decisions on how to run your business, then WA is not for you.
If on the other hand, you are a go getter. Not afraid to try new things and interested in affiliate marketing and other types of online marketing, then WA is for you.
Treat is like any other business. It takes time to grow.
This is a very objective review of Wealthy Affiliate. I believe now that wealthy affiliates is real not a scam. This article explain everything about how to .become a member. I like that the free membership will give you access to training about affiliate marketing, weekly training and also live chat on the platform for the first 7 days. . Wealthy affiliate is a good way of making money online. You also gain access to own a blog of your niche. This is an interesting and informative article. Best regards
It is truly a great thing to have access to learning materials for free. As a free member, you will continue to have limited access to the program after the first 7 days . You will retain access to education materials and will be able to build two site rubix websites for free. There is really nothing to lose.
Denise, this article is perfect for newbies like me and people who are wondering how wealthy affiliate is. I was skeptical about the program first but now that I’ve gone through several training lessons, I can confidently say that it is legit. What I like the most about the program is the learning experience. I’m more of a visual learner so video tutorials are easier for me to focus and understand. I also love their support team. I have never had to to wait for more than two hours to recieve the response from them. Also, thank you for describing disadvantages about the program honesty. Hope your article will help lots of new affiliate marketers!
Hi Sara,
No program is perfect so I make sure to list both pros and cons. I do like the training and the support too. I like interacting with the community. Many people end up just making money by being ambassadors at WA. Their starter program is a good place for anyone to start as it is free.
Wow, this is one of the most comprehensive review about Wealthy Affiliate. Well done! I agree with you that affiliate marketing is really the way to make money online CONSISTENTLY. I think this post will answer a lot of questions for beginners and for those who are not familiar with Wealthy affiliate. I will be sure to forward this article next time if someone ask me anything about Wealthy Affiliate or affiliate marketing. I like that WA provides so many video lessons because it helps me to learn so much faster by watching their videos. I will be sure to come back and check out your next post. Keep up the fantastic work!
Thanks Jayden,
Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect but they sure do their best. I don’t say Wealthy Affiliate is for everyone as some people will rather engage in eCommerce than affiliate marketing. If you however want to learn how to run a successful affiliate marketing, especially as a newbie, it will help tremendously to learn from those who have been doing it successfully for years.
Hi Denise!
Your blog on financially independent people is a great read.
I think you have laid out the information pretty well and there is a lot of content to read.
Here are my suggestions:
Since your blog is only going to grow, you would do well to describe the 3-4 areas that you are focusing on and structure your menus accordingly.
Try to imagine WHO are your readers and what do THEY need? E.g. if I was a novice then I should be able to start with the post on passive income and affiliate marketing itself before reading the review on WA.
So you want to lead the reader by the hand step by step and not just dive into the details right away.
Overall, it is a great site except that the post I read happened to be a little too lengthy and I could see several segments of readers in the same post.
Chunk it down and have a blast while doing it..
All the Best!
Thanks for the advice Zafar.
Hi Denise, thanks for wealthy Affiliate review in 2029.
I joined this platform this year and I cannot pinpoint anything bad yet in this platform. If not because you listed the cons here, seriously I wouldn’t have figured them out. The platform is just unique to me. The trainings and video guides have really helped me a lot to get started and the community at large always radiates positivity every time with their ever willingness to help. I joined WA as a starter member but I got convinced within 2days after I got my website setup within 30seconds…wow! I couldn’t believe what I saw. WA us really a one in a million opportunity.
Hi RoDarrick,
WA is certainly a great place for both newbie and experience markets to learn affiliate marketing. They don’t only teach, they also provide the means for you to practice what you learned. Thanks for your review