Tristan Broughton’s Product Winner Blueprint

Tristan Broughton is a popular YouTube, eCommerce entrepreneur and he is the brain behind ‘Product Winner Blueprint’. From his many YouTube videos, he gives viewers the impression of a seasoned marketer.


Unlike other eCommerce course owners, you won’t find videos of Tristan riding around in a rented Lamborghini or being surrounded by beautiful women and luxury houses.  He seems like a very thoughtful and level-headed person, which is a good reason why you’d want to listen to him.


Overview of Tristan Broughton’s Product Winner Blueprint


Tristan Broughton’s Product Winner Blueprint currently costs $297, which is a fair price in comparison to some of the more expensive dropshipping courses out there. He’s likely to increase the price soon, and so if you are interested in this course, you might really want to consider making your move now.


Bundled with Tristan’s Google Ads Academy, it goes for a total of $497, which, according to Tristan, is the ultimate e-commerce bundle.


Although Product Winner Blueprint 2.0 isn’t marketed as a dropshipping course, much of the content in the modules relates to sourcing products via dropshipping. Tristan frequently updates his course. There are now 10 modules in all, the latest being his special Product Winner Templates Toolbox, which you’ll get by completing the ‘bump offer’ at the checkout.


The course is video based on each module comprising a series of high-quality videos that are easy to flow with. On your first login, you’ll be greeted by the customary welcome video in which Tristan explains that this is the first course he has ever created and that he makes his actual money from doing e-commerce, and not selling courses.


Product Winner Blueprint is aimed at finding winning products that can be scaled and transformed into a full-time business. According to Tristan, no other e-commerce guru teaches what he teaches.


After the welcome video, there is an introductory video that discusses the ‘Winning Product Mindset.’ In this video, Tristan explains what it really means to have a winning product and the secrets to identifying one. He also discusses the 4 types of winning products with detailed explanations. Next, he talks about 3 phases involved in the discovery of a winning product on Facebook.


Next, come the main modules themselves.


The Modules Included in Product Winner Blueprint


Let’s discuss in summary each of the 10 modules of the Product Winner Blueprint course.


Module 1: Store Setup


In this first module, you’ll be exposed to videos that teach you how to create a general online store with high conversion. Tristan, unlike most other e-commerce tutors, advises, with reason, that you stay away from niche stores at the beginning. He goes on to explain the right way to veer off to a niche.


Tristan recommends some free and paid themes with high conversion rates. He goes on to explain what you should do on your product pages, in terms of structuring, in order to see the best results.


He also teaches you how he prices his products, as pricing will impact your pixel. You then learn how to make sure that your pixel lets Facebook find you the right buyers.


Tristan explains why he doesn’t use the free + shipping offer model. His reasons are actually quite insightful, and you may find you’ve never thought along those lines before. You will also learn how important having reviews on your product page can be, and why you should add them.


Module 2: Product Research


In this module, you learn the kinds of products to avoid completely, which is really good guidance because beginners often find themselves experimenting with unprofitable products. Avoiding mistakes will save you lots of money. Tristan encourages and shows you how to leverage on existing product research with two methods of finding products that are not yet saturated in the market. You also learn how to spy on winning stores.


Tristan gives you four criteria for selecting products from existing stores and how to find less popular drop shipping stores, which he calls the ‘Hidden Gem Technique.’ You also learn a method of finding trending, yet unsaturated products using some key phrases on Facebook.


Next, Tristan shows you how to use advanced methods to find unique and non-validated products that other stores are testing. He also goes into showing you how to source for products directly from AliExpress using two Chrome plugin extensions, as well as the tricks to finding the best sellers.


Finally, Tristan exposes you to a new research method he is using to discover unique and unknown Shopify drop shipping stores via Google.


Module 3: Facebook Pixel and Backup


This section includes four videos which cover everything from creating backups for ad accounts to creating extra accounts, and the importance of these. Other videos explain how pixels work and how to install them.


You also get an introduction to custom conversion events, how to supercharge and share your pixel with audiences. This module is truly complex, which Tristan himself admits, but he does his best to give a detailed and comprehensive explanation, and you can go over it as many times as necessary.


Module 4: Facebook Targeting and Testing


There are 11 videos in this module, making it the largest in the course, and rightly so. The videos cover Facebook targeting myths, understanding Facebook audiences, interest stacking and flexing, writing ad copies, PPE testing setup, creating winning video ads, and so on.


Module 5: Facebook Retargeting


This is a smaller module on Facebook, focused on retargeting. The various methods of retargeting are discussed. It is an advanced section comprising 3 detailed videos that may take some time to grasp. Retargeting is, however, an essential aspect of the drop shipping business, which helps to boost brand recognition.


Module 6: Facebook Scaling


Yes, this course includes a lot of training on Facebook! There are 7 videos contained in this module, all centered on scaling. The dangers of scaling, international/US scaling, ad duplication, PPE to WC transitioning and vice versa, are all treated in this section. This section will only make sense when sales begin to come in. Tristan does a good job covering scaling and prepares you for any eventualities that may arise.


Module 7: Increasing AOV


Here, you learn how to maximize your average order value (AOV), and how to get the highest AOV out of your customers. Free shipping incentives, product page tricks, bundling, one-click upsells, order confirmation cross-sells and many more are discussed.


Many of these features come with some premium themes, and so having a good theme may save you all the stress. You should still pay attention to this module all the same.


Module 8: Automation and Team Building


This is where you learn to automate your drop shipping processes. This module isn’t required until you’re ready to get help for your online business. Tristan teaches you about hiring virtual assistants, as well as where and how to find them. He also gives you a template that can be used to hire virtual assistants from Upwork, which could be really useful.


Module 9: Email Marketing


This module is a new addition to the Product Winner Blueprint course, comprising 5 videos. In this module, Tristan takes his time to explain the differences between marketing with a niche in comparison to marketing with a general store.


You learn how to set up your emails for product launches and promotion offers, as well as when to send them. You also discover how to get higher open rates. Additionally, Tristan shows you how to setup on Wheelio using a real example. There is another video that shows how to set up automatic campaigns using Recart. Finally, there is a video showing how you can set up coupon confirmation emails using Wheelio.


This email marketing module is really detailed and it is evident that Tristan Broughton put a lot of thought into it. You want to pay good attention to this section if you decide to go for the Product Winner Blueprint course. Irrespective of whether your store is new or not, emailing is vital.


Module 10: Templates Toolbox


As previously stated, this module is only available to those who buy the bump offer before checking out.


Refund Guarantee


There is a 7-day money-back guarantee on the Product Winner Blueprint course, which is enough for some to binge-watch and go through the entire course. You’ll, however, need a lot of notes because, as summarized above, the course contains some really intense modules.





This is one rich course that is really quite unique in comparison to most other e-commerce courses on the market. The course content is true to the title. It’s aimed at finding winning products, conversion and scaling.


Tristan’s methods are bound to help even advanced drop shippers to improve on their business techniques. He updates it regularly in order to keep in touch with changes, especially on Facebook, which is another big plus for this course.


The course is fairly priced and delivered with great care and detail. Actually, those who already own stores may stand to gain a whole lot more from this course than newbies, as Tristan seems to assume a basic understanding of drop shipping as he teaches.

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