How can you make money online?


The economy is getting tough and many people are beginning to think outside of the box. Instead of relying overly on traditional jobs to make a living, people are beginning to look for other options.

There are many ways to make money online that requires very little start up budget and plenty of determination. Sometimes, people already have money making skills or talents but just don’t realize it.

clay-1220105_640 (1)Take for example, Johnny who is very skilled at building things with his hands. He always make unique craft items as gifts for friends and family . He could turn this skill into a full-time job but don’t know it.

Another example is Marty, the all around science genius. He has mad science skills that he could teach a dummy to make an A grade in any science course. Marty could use this knowledge to make money online but doesn’t know how.

There are many routes you can take to make money online. Below is an example of a brief step by step plan.

Build a website

To make money online, you need a platform where you can display your goods or services to the world. Yes, the world because when you put something online (world wide web), it could be seen any where in the world with access to internet.


This platform where you display your products is a website. Many people will try to convince you that you can do it without a website but this is not true. If you really want to succeed and have authority over your products, you need a site your own.

Don’t panic when you hear the word website. In today’s innovative world, building a site is a breeze. There are many ways you can build a website in minutes for free.

Once you have a site, you can display your products for the world to see. There are many websites building platforms but the most popular is WordPress. You can build your site with WordPress easily by going through my # 1 recommendation for online marketing.

My # 1 recommendation for sites that will help you achieve your dreams in online marketing is wealthy affiliate. Wealthy affiliate will help you start for free. They will help you build up to two sites for free and start your business. They even offer an opportunity to get a free domain name for your site.

Buy a domain name

A domain name is a name like my and is required for every site. It’s like an address to your site without which people will not know how to find your site. Once you build a site and purchase a domain name, you are good to go.

Monetize your website

If your skill is in science like Marty, you can write blog posts about the science subjects of your choice and publish them. You can even make an eBook, tutorials and make videos to help your visitors learn science. You could make some courses free and charged for others. However you choose to do it, there are endless possibilities for you to generate a sustainable income.

In the case of Johnny who can build amazing things from scratch, he can after setting up his site, join a program like Esty that allows merchants to display original hand crafted products to millions of people. If your craft is loved by many, then you will make good money selling them.

There is a third option. You do not have to possess special skills like those of Johnny and Marty to make passive income online. You can generate income online by referring products own by others for a fraction of the purchase price. This kind of business is known as affiliate marketing and the fraction you get paid is called a commission. Affiliate marketing is a fast growing form of business that benefits both merchants and affiliates a like.

In conclusion 

So now you have an idea on how to make some passive income online. Don’t wait because your dreams can only come true if you act on it. Check out my #1 recommendation for online marketing. It’s free and if you don’t like it just walk away. No hassle. Also check out esty by following the link below,

I hope this post was helpful. Please leave a comment and remember to share.

Cheers Denise.

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