Computers made simple scam review 2018

I came across this program in an ad. Like many schemes out there, the author made a lot of promises that seemed too good to be true. According o the intro video, computers made simple is supposedly owned by Brenda Adams. It promises to help its members make about $379 a day or more.   According to this author, it won’t take long; you can start making money right away when…

Wealthy affiliate complaints

If you are here today, you must have comb online looking to see if there are any complaints about wealthy affiliate.   You must have noticed that they are hard to find. This is because Wealthy Affiliate is a legitimate program that teaches people how to make money online and many people has benefited from it.   This however does not mean that Wealthy affiliate does not have a negative side….

10 best work home jobs

There are many legitimate work from home jobs. Many of these jobs need no extensive qualifications or skills. In this post, I will give you a brief review of the 10 best work home jobs.   Cactus Communications Jobs   Cactus Communications provides good training programs and professional development that are meant to help its “Cactizens” achieve their professional and personal professional objectives. Cactus Communications has a diverse work force,…

Why content is important to a website

  The saying ‘content is king’ is very popular among internet marketers because it is true. Why is this so? Well the idea behind starting a website or blog is to reach people and draw them to your site. The best way to do this is through your content.   A site with consistently great content attracts more traffic and thus better business. So, how do you write captivating contents? This…

Keywords and google ranking; Jaaxy

Keywords are very important for every online business because the type of keywords you use on your website will determine your search engine rank on Google.    If you use highly competitive keywords, it will be harder to rank on the first page of google and thus hard to get traffic to your website via that keyword. On the other hand, if you choose a moderate or low competition keyword,…

WordPress premium review

You must have learned a few things about WоrdPrеѕѕ at some point in your internet marketing journey. It is such a popular topic among internet marketers but whаt really iѕ WоrdPrеѕѕ? Simрlу рut, WоrdPrеѕѕ iѕ an open source web ѕоftwаrе thаt you can uѕе to сrеаtе your own website оr blоg.   WordPress hаѕ bесоmе one оf the most рорulаr wеb publishing рlаtfоrmѕ since it was released in 2003. So…