Digital experts academy (DEA) is a global organization dedicated to revolutionizing education. Their goal is to break down barriers that keep individuals from realizing their full potential. Owned by STUART ROSS and JAY KUBASSEK. These two also own the Six figure Mentors program which is very similar to this one. Both programs are meant for high rollers and has usually been called scam by many. This review will help you decide whether digital experts academy is a scam or not.
This program goes by three corner stones; Foundation, Umbrella and Key.
- Foundation according to them, is the reason many people fail in their aspirations of becoming successful entrepreneurs. These people they say ” don’t have the right grounding, they don’t understand the fundamentals of online marketing and branding, so they either get overwhelmed and quit or meet with major pitfalls further down the road”. They claim that their program will provide you with the right foundation to be successful.
- Umbrella according to their explanation is having someone to work with. They say working alone is the reason many fail to succeed. To succeed, you need someone to turn to when you get stuck. Tutorials won’t cut they say. With their community, they say you will find a refreshing change because the culture is all about helping others as they journey toward the same goal of financial independence.
- Key is to pair people with mentors who have the experience and expertise to cut through the learning curve and teach what you need to know to succeed. With their help, they say you will avoid pitfalls which only those ‘in the know’ understand.
The image below shows you a summary of what digital experts academy (DEA) is all about and how it works.

Programs and Pricing at digital experts academy

Digital experts academy is designed for high rollers as the lowest program cost $2500 to join. They offer four programs as shown in the image above.
DEA Silver
This is the cheapest program and it cost $2500 to join. In this program, you are going to have access to the following,
- Consultation with a top Business Strategist
- Comprehensive, value-packed training package from experts who have already made millions doing what they teach. You will be connected to what they call ImportXperts
DEA Gold
This level is also known as digital muscle. This is aimed at growing your business to the global level. This level cost $8000 to join. You will have access to the following when you join;
- Unlimited 1-2-1 coaching
- Cutting-edge Training Program that makes it easy to gain advanced marketing skills in record time
- Exclusive annual event where top minds in the industry share the latest know-how for successful customer acquisition.
- Course on Copywriting, email marketing, PPC, Analytics, SEO, social marketing, content marketing, conversion funnel and e-Commerce.
According to the owners, the DEA gold program is for;
- Business owners
- Resellers
- Super Affiliates
- Coaches
- Agencies
DEA Platinum
This is the third program and it cost $11000 to join. This is the stage where they start talking to you about developing a professional brand. This program offers its members the following benefits;
- The intensive and dynamic 3-Day live DEA PLATINUM Workshop which according to owners is restricted to a few. They say they will dive deep into some top money making topics that will help make you successful.
- Access to their Brand Incubation Portal which is a step by step discovery and brand education journey until delivery of your core Brand Style Guide.
- A professional copywriter who will polish your biography which according to them will confirm your authority and create consumer trust.
- You will get a Project Manager who according to them will make sure your brand discovery journey flows smoothly.
- Three hours of 1-2-1 Coaching
- A professional portrait which you will use on a variety of platforms
After you have gone through the stages above, you will get to build your website and start your business. You can do this on your own, or buy their prime fulfillment option. If you have more money to spend, you can add their fulfillment business option too ( not sure what the difference is between this and the one above).
DEA Black
This is the forth and last program at digital experts online. This one cost a whooping $20000 to join. This package include education in advance leadership through regular live masterminds. You will be able to interact with other DEA black members and gain the following;
- Insider know-how
- Socialize with enthusiastic entrepreneur Movers & Shakers through regular webinar Masterminds
- Access to a Facebook group
- A VIP Retreat with the owners at a tropical resort
- Attend the annual DEA BLACK Retreat
- Learn to monetize almost anything that interests you
Is Digital Experts Academy a scam?
I do not think that digital experts academy is a scam. They do offer something of value but I do not think what they offer is worth the thousands of dollars they charge. It is really bad when you spend that amount of money and fail.
When you go through their website, you might have the impression that you will succeed no matter what but this however is not the case. This is just like any affiliate marketing training program where your success is highly dependent on you.
Most of topics they promise to enlighten you on are the same ones you can learn at Wealthy affiliate for $49 a month or less if you join the free membership.
If you have the kind of money they are asking, then you can try the program. You should know that there is a chance you will not succeed in it. So be sure the money you invest is something you don’t mind loosing.
- They offer some valuable education
- You get coaches to help you
- They have a community to help you
- If join the higher programs, you will get to meet the owners and maybe learn something directly from them.
- It is so expensive. Only a hand full of newbies will be able to afford it
- You will constantly have to deal with upsells even after paying the high price tag. Some will relate to the six figure mentors, a program also owned by STUART ROSS and JAY KUBASSEK
- Misleading sales pitch might make you join under the impression that success is guaranteed but it is not. Your success still depends on you.
- The main thing they teach you is how to sell their membership. So you are joining this program and paying the high price to become their affiliate.
- The upsells will require that you upgrade to the black membership to get complete access and any worthy training. This is a whooping 20000.
Bottom line
Digital experts online is meant for high rollers. Newbies, looking for a low cost affiliate or e-commerce training program will have a hard time affording it. There are cheaper programs out there that offer the same thing for less than $50 a month. One that I recommend is Wealthy Affiliate. I like this program because you can join for free. During your first 7 days, you will have access to everything. You can comb the site and see if it is worth your while before deciding to upgrade. Join today for free.