If you browse the internet like I do, then you will notice how many work at home ads show up on google every time you do a search related to working from home.
Some of these search results are very informative but many are also very misleading. One of such misleading ads is the Melissa Johnson Wah program known as Computer Ninja.
This particular one is supposedly owned by a certain person, Pen named Lydia Martin. On this page, they use the Photoshop picture of a blond to represent her.
They claim that the pen name and fake picture is meant to protect the owner’s privacy but I wonder. If the owner of a big company like Amazon, uses his real name why shouldn’t this one.
In my opinion, this information is hidden so you cannot track this person an hold them responsible for scamming you. Yes, in my opinion, the Melissa Johnson Computer Ninja program is a scam and I will give you my reasons below.
Why is Melissa Johnson’s Wah program; computer ninja, a scam?
There are many reason why I think this program is a scam. The very first one is how often they clone this program. Just within the past 6 months, there have been more than a dozen look alike Wah programs by Melissa.
Below are screenshots of a few of them,

Take a close look and you will see that all four programs in the images above are exactly the same. Why will they give them different names and make people feel like these are different programs?
The answer is simple, somewhere on their sales page, they claim that spots are limited. They explain further that, the website will shot down once spots are filled.
They then change the name of the program and start all over with the same story, leaving the people who joined the previous program stranded.
People write to me everyday asking me how they can get their money back. I unfortunately can’t help these people because by then, these sites will be gone and if not, you really don’t know who to go after. How do you chase a ghost?
Fake owner, fake testimonials, fake images equal to fake program, period.
I can go on and on about the fake news but no need. It is very obvious that this program is not trust worthy. Do yourself a favor by staying away from it.
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