A review of Click clone cash
Product Owner: “Josh Ownens” also known as Tim Atkinson
In this review of click clone cash, you will find out if the program is legit or scam. You will also get suggestions for alternative programs that might suit you better.
Click Clone Cash is a systems which promises to help you make massive amounts of money by cloning other successful businesses.
From the onset, it make sense because the best way to do something is by copying someone who knows how to do it.
However, in the the long introductory video, stories of untold wealth/riches are told by the owner and several other people.
Flashy images of luxury cars, yachts and mansions are also shown. At first go, you might be tempted to join but don’t be in a hurry.
Click clone cash is actually a hosting program, that is advertised for free but will eventually lead you down the road to purchasing a mandatory website hosting plan.
Typically, you only have to buy hosting if you own a website. So if you have to buy mandatory hosting when you join this system, then you probably will need to own a website too.
This is not a bad thing to own a website as most online money making techniques require you to own a website to enjoy full benefits from it.
However, when reviewing click clone cash, I noticed that it fails to come clean upfront about what it is all about. You only find out the truth when you are knee deep. Your investment is not refundable so you need to think twice before you act.
The click clone cash program sometimes include training, sometimes not depending on how brash advertiser is.
Click Clone Cash sales video features Josh Owen who talks for 30 minutes about his successes and wealth from the system.

It’s all about money, big yachts, fast cars and even more money and claims participants will make $19k in under 24 hours.
Now the part about making “$19K in under 24 hours” is very troubling, especially as it is unrealistic. And people still fall for this! I guess people either don’t pay close attention to the video and only hear what they want to hear or something….
I would advise you to stick to the good old saying. “If it seems too good to be true, then it most likely is”.
First of all, this guy Josh Owens is not real (he is a real person but the name is fake), he is a paid actor. The true owner of the click clone cash program is some guy named Tim Atkinson.
This is a common practice for scams, as the real owners or creators do not want their names associated with these scam products.
Tim Atkinson is famous for making money from online products and is known to have created many scam products identical to this one such as Automated Income App, Cash Machines 2 , Make Money with Meghan and many others.
“Josh Owens” the video man has been seen in a previous Atkinson scam product called The Money Formula that he produced with another shady person in online marketing, Zak Mefteh.
He played a billionaire who stepped in to teach a father whose only son was down with leukemia.
In this case, he taught the guy how to make thousands of dollars in just one night, thereby saving the boy’s life.
Ha ha, he should consider a career in Hollywood someday.
How does click clone cash work?
The system does not work the way you think. If you join, expecting a secret formula that will make you rich over night, forget it.
It will take you through the typical process of starting an online business but will leave you hanging as they will be unable to provide you with the necessary education to succeed.
If you are able to watch the video completely, it will tell you that in order for it to work; you will need to purchase a hosting plan.
So, you are actually not purchasing a system that will make you a lot of profit by selecting the best systems out there and cloning them.
When you get signed up, it will go straight to the hosting page and you will be simply directed to a hosting company wherein you will need to purchase it in order for them to look for these programs for you.
It appears legit and not like the other hosting scams that gets you some kind of weird domain first.
Click Clone Cash claims to be free but you will be asked to pay $89.70 almost immediately for website hosting.
Reasonably, it never cost that much to host a website and if you need to pay that much, you need to do your research very well and that’s why external reviews are useful.
You are better off joining a program like Wealthy affiliate, that will teach you how to start a successful online business and provide you with the tools to build your website and host it all in one place.
Anyway, after you’re done paying for your million dollar hosting, you will then be directed to your “training area” where you will learn to promote the same scheme you just purchased.
There is no other training within this program to teach you how to make that promised $19k nor any written steps on what to do to be rich.
No proof that anyone ever received 100k each month as promised, Numerous people lost a lot of money from getting sucked in this system and only 5-10% was able to get their $89.70 back. There is no customer support (email or phone).
All the testimonials are fake, it’s very easy to get people with fake names on marketplaces like fiverr.com to get you any kind of review for just $5.
Bottom line
In conclusion to my review, Click Cash clone in my opinion is not a legit program. It is basically a method to get you to buy a hosting package and the founder will make a huge commission on each sale.
Click Clone Cash is probably one of the biggest scams that you need to stay away from. You will most likely not make a cent from this system. And this is probably the reason why it’s website no longer exist (UPDATE; This program was relaunched lately. So they have not given up the scheme).
If you are looking to learn how to make money online, check out wealthy affiliate. They have all the tools you will ever need to build a successful online business. You can join for free and get a feel of the program before deciding whether to upgrade or not.
Thanks for your info on the company. What other work from home legitimate websites would suggest for beginners to get into investing?
There are many places you could go to learn how to make money online. As a beginner, often times money is scarce so a program that allows you to start for free is good. I learned from wealthy affiliate how to make money online. It worked for me, it could work for you too. Try their free membership to see if this is the place for you. Let me know what you think.
Wanted to know more but couldn’t click
I am sorry about that Curtis. Which of the links did you have trouble with?
My friend referred me to this platform but before registering in I wanted to check about this one. I’m glad I came to your site because this article has everything I needed to know about Click Clone Cash. After reading through the whole article it is clear that Click Clone Cash is a scam.
Thank you so much for the heads up.
If “Josh Owens” AKA Tim Atkinson tells people upfront that his product is simply a hosting scheme, it will be fair. He lets you through this whole ruse and makes you pay membership only to find out that you need to build a website and host it with Cloud Pro Hosting.
Cloud pro hosting cost twice as much to host your website on than most of the top hosting platforms like hostgator. You don’t even get 24/7 service with this plan as you do with most other hosting sites. It will be better to join the Wealthy Affiliate free program and build a free website than join this click clone cash program.
Also, this program was usually promoted via clicksure which is a site for common scam programs. Lately, it seems as clicksure exist no more.
I absolutely love this insightful article as starting a business by copying or cloning what other successful marketers have done is an intriguing idea . This is fascinating and interesting to me. It is sad however that this program turns out to be fishy. Thanks for pointing out scams like this, you are really helping some newbie in network marketing out there. Click clone cash falters by promising unrealistic returns of $19k in 24 hours. I am thankful to have found wealthy affiliate, where I can learn online marketing knowing that it is possible to succeed with hard work and patience. WA trains it’s member and gave them the tools for affiliate marketing. This is great review about click clone cash. Best regards
I agree that the idea of cloning a successful business is intriguing. It is however not guaranteed that you will succeed if you do this.
First off, the said business happened in a different time with different constrains than what your business will go through.
This implies that, a technique that worked for them, might not work for you. This is true as the Internet is dynamic and thus evolves with time.
Second, click clone cash can’t prove to you that you are really cloning a successful business. All they say is follow this exact steps and you will begin to make lots of money online.
Telling people that they can make thousands in mere days is unrealistic and in my book, makes a program a scam
Hey there,
So, the only thing this “opportunity” has is buying a web hosting plan? Nothing more? No courses, videos, ways to make money? Gee, this indeed is a great scam. There are much better web hosting plans out there, let alone business opportunities! How do you even make money with this?
Thanks for letting us know 🙂
Hi Marios,
They offer some training which in my opinion is not good enough to help you make the kind of money they promise. The really bad thing is not telling people upfront that this is more of a hosting program. When people by this hosting and start business, they are kind of stuck because there are not enough tool to help them succeed. This is one of the programs that sell people a dream.
You could easily buy hosting from hostgator for $4 and get more resources for your business than this click clone cash program provides.
Hi my husband gave the wring email address when he decided to do this there for you need to get ahold of me so he can get his information
I am sorry Jerry. You need to contact the owners of click clone cash to fix this problem. I am a blogger, writing a review about this program. I do not own or is affiliated with this program in anyway. Hope you get the help you need.
Thanks for the information on Quick Clone Cash”.
Your welcome James
It is interesting in the video that he promises that if you don’t make the money he promises, he will fly you free to his home to get you making the money. Has anyone ever seen the house?
It is weird. I don’t know of anyone who has seen his house. I will love to hear from someone who has been to his place
Hello, I just watched the video. Josh stated that no one has ever had to be flown to his home, so far.
Denise, I just looked into the Click Clone Cash (scam) program. I paid the $39.70 and was directed to a website with an 800 #. When I called it I was told that they could not accept anymore messages and then än error occured” was said. So I found another phone number in Los Angeles (a 310 number) and texted to them about the above message. About two hours later I got a phone call from a guy in Nevada. During our 1.5 hour conversation, I asked if he was from Vegas and he told me that he was in Henderson, Nevada. That there started a RED light going off in my head as Nevada is a state that promotes scam artists. As we spoke he told me that they are an affiliate to both Amazon and Ebay (my mind was still saying RUN!!). So he told me to put 10k in my bank account and call him and tell him that it had been done. I am unemployed and down to my last bit of money so I am not giving it away! Last night I started reading their Terms and Conditions, Product Service purchase agreement, Privacy Policy and Income and earnings Disclaimers and in them I saw that they put cookies on your computer so they can watch everything on it (HELL NO!!!). They can watch your bank accounts (NO WAY CHARLIE!!!). This really told me to run fast but to strap on a jet pack and go!!! It is a real scam in my eyes!! Please tell people to run the other way and don’t get involved with them at all!!
Thanks for your feedback Scott
The simple fact about any business venture , internet based/online or brick and mortar. If it sounds too good to be true, well its most likely not, money can’t just appear out of thin air and a check for thousands be found in your mailbox. The marketing sales principle is based on the sale of tangible goods and or services rendered. the idea that cloning a successful business and money will simply appear is as real as logging on to your online bank account and wishing a million dollars will just appear in it, not going to happen. I can only offer one last piece of advice and I’m not a wealthy successful businessman, a down to earth man who has never been scammed and doesn’t like to see anyone else get taken of advantage of. In desperation and in hard financial times people are easily lured in hopes of the way out. Money and success comes from hard work and perseverance. The internet is an incredible tool, make use of it before proceeding. google works.
Thanks for this great input Gerald.
I’m confused !! Your post states over and over no selling. But you’re selling. And how is this legal?? And why was this so scripted?? So many questions
Thanks for your feedback Sandee,
You must be confusing the ads on my page to the actual content. I apologize for that. I do have affiliate links on some of my pages as is disclosed on my affiliate disclaimer page. I however do not recommend this program and thus do not have affiliate links for it. I will work on bringing the number of ads down as it seems to be disruptive. Thanks
Thanks For the information, Nice post
Thanks for the information nice post
The UNIVERSE does not sleep, this fraud person JOSH OWENS -TIM ATKINSON wife and kids should be ASHAMED of themselves for trying to scam people.I hope wish and pray THEY get their JUST DESERTS in the end, what comes around goes around. THANK YOU very much for letting people know about this SCAM.
BLESS you and your FAMILY, keep up the great work.